My name is Lucy Mercado. I am the founder of Support Our Heroes Foundation. I am reaching out to you for help.
I started the foundation when my son, Luis A. Mercado, Jr was sent to Iraq in 2004. His platoon consisted of more than 300 men and women, some of which never received any mail or care packages, due to no family.
My son asked me for extra packages to distribute within his platoon. It was very costly to send items for so many people. That was when I decided to open the foundation and ask help from my family, friends and neighbors.
I adopted two-three platoons at a time, and when 1 platoon returns, I adopt another. I send much needed items throughout their whole tour. Recently, I have two platoons, one from New Windsor and the other from Newburgh. One of the men from the Newburgh's platoon, his wife is also deployed at the same time. Their young two daughters will have no parents during Thanksgiving or Christmas.
If that's not an ultimate sacrifice, I don't know what is.
When I started this foundation, I never thought that I would still be sending packages overseas. I was fortunate enough that my son returned home safely. But there are parents not that fortunate.
The community assumes that we no longer have military personnel overseas. Whether the president is keeping things quiet or lack of coverage from the media. That is definitely not the case.
I would like to remind the community that there are more important things than shopping for Christmas or Christmas parties. It is really a shame that I have to remind everyone every year that our military needs our support and reminder that they are definitely not forgotten.
No one will ever understand the pain or worrying a parent or spouse go through, unless you yourself have a love one in the front lines fighting at a war.
Fifteen years later I didn't think that I would still be mailing packages to our troops, but sadly that is the case. I need help from our community, whether they are items, monetary donations or stamps. Any donation will be greatly appreciated; no donation is too small. Items needed at the present time are, snacks, energy bars, DayQuil/NyQuil, neosporin, toothpaste, handwarmers and much more.
If you prefer to make a monetary donation please make out checks to Support Our Heroes and can be mailed to:
Lucy Mercado, 18 Windsor Square Drive, New Windsor, NY 12553.
My email supportheroes@aol.com; website supportourheroes.today; my cell 845-590-4325.
I want to thank everyone for their help and kindness with the foundation and keeping it alive.
Lucy Mercado