You called us heroes

America, whenever came the call to arms, we answered and raised your starlit banner.
We pledged to thee and thee to us, one nation under God.
Some of us went willing, others not so, yet together we marched, knowing our task and our duty to perform.
Some of us returned, unscathed, to continue our lives.
Some of us returned, shrouded in national colors and laid to rest with eternal prayers.
Some of us returned, torn apart by the horrors of war, missing parts of our bodies, our minds and our souls.
Some of us will never return for we vanished on the field of battle.
America, we answered your call with valor and honor.
You called us heroes.
We fought for you.
We died for you.
We suffer still, from our wounds and torments,
America, listen, your heroes beckon,
Our widows mourn and our children weep with despair.
Tend to our families, that we are no longer here for.
Help us mend our shattered bones.
Help us find our sanity and peace within.
America, do you not recognize us?
Do you not remember us?
You called us heroes.
We are the men and women that held your sword, that stood to face your foes, that paid the price for your freedom and carried your banner.....yes, your banner...that yet waves.
We ask not for your sympathy, nor charity nor gratitude.
Show us that our sacrifice was not in vain.
Take hold of our outreached hands.
Lift us from our anguish and desolation.
Set us free, to live again, with pride and dignity.
America, listen...listen, our voices grow dim and our pleas grow weary.
America, where be thy pledge, have you forgotten: you called us HEROES.