I grew up in a bigger small town and everyone waved while passing people on the streets or sitting on their porch. Now I’ve been in a truly small town, Chester, for five years and try to spread the practice to those in my community. That’s what it does, it builds the sense of community.
What difference can a wave make? Waving creates community and makes everyone familiar with their neighbors. A wave can offer comfort knowing that others know you and keep an eye out. A wave shows acceptance, tolerance and respect to the people that may be different than you. Waving may open up the boundaries to which we let our kids enjoy safely. A wave could simply just put a smile on someone’s face that may be having a bad day. The power of a wave has endless benefits.
Chester is tiny with its own very small and tight knit communities like Sugar Loaf, Cherry Heights, Surrey Rd., and the village. Chances are the people you see today will show up again soon. Whether at the post office or the grocery store, you’ll see your neighbors out and about. I invite you to become a bigger part of your small community with a small commitment of a wave. Let everyone know you are proud to live in your small town and wave, add a smile if you’re having a good day, and we will all see the community grow. Look forward to seeing you all in town.
Steven Quilliam