On November 7th, Warwick Valley Humane Society hosted the free Orange County Health Department rabies clinic at the Warwick Animal Shelter.
Sixty-seven dogs and cats from throughout the county were inoculated against rabies during this drive-through clinic.
I thank Kelly and Tim of the Orange County Health Department for arranging this clinic with our organization and for giving us a helping hand.
Special thanks to Dr. Beverly Cappel of The Vet at the Barn in Chestnut Ridge, for vaccinating all of the animals and to Veterinary Assistant Cheryl Esposito for assisting. Both came to our rescue on short notice, staying beyond the designated two hours until we were done.
I’d like to acknowledge our exceptional staff:
Animal Control Officers Diana Huntington and Chad Cancel for handling the pets with care. running them to and fro, keeping the clinic moving;
Animal Care Attendant Olivia Urgo for her skilled record-keeping.
In addition, my thanks to ACA Tammy Armbruster and Director Michelle Little, for their background attention to both the shelter and the clinic throughout.
Finally to all the pet parents who waited so patiently, thank you for protecting your pets, your families and your neighbors.
Rabies is a fatal disease transmitted by the saliva of an infected animal.
Should your un-vaccinated pet come into contact with a known or suspected rabies suspect animal, your pet must be quarantined for six months. New York State Law requires all dogs, cats and ferrets to be vaccinated with the killed vaccine by a licensed veterinarian.
It was our pleasure to be able to host this clinic with the cooperation of all.
Suzyn Barron
Warwick Valley Humane Society