‘Maria Patrizio will be a champion ... for those families who need legal assistance’

Goshen /
| 02 Oct 2020 | 03:36

    Maria Patrizio is the best choice for Orange County Family Court Judge.

    She comes from an immigrant working class background, went to community college and then on to Harvard University for her undergraduate degree.

    She served as an English teacher with the Peace Corps.

    After law dchool she began 20 years of service exclusively with the Legal Aid Society of Orange County and is now a supervising attorney.

    Service is her byword. Like many who come before the court, Maria knows about being a single mom (eight years) and raising children (two).

    She has been a coach with Odyssey of the Mind in local schools. Maria really knows the ins and outs of Family Court.

    Life experiences have made her a wonderful choice for Family Court Judge. She even wrote the book, “Successfully Navigating Family Court in New York.”

    Maria will be a champion for the Court and for those families who need legal assistance.

    Owen Reynolds
