In response to ‘Support for Biden’

| 16 Oct 2023 | 04:54

    I was debating with myself whether should I reply to [Dorothy Kelly’s letter] or not, in the end I decided that I must. You don’t have to have a PhD in economics and/or PhD in political science to come to the conclusion that re-election of Mr. Biden for another four years would be a catastrophe and a disaster in historical proportions for the USA. You only have to ask yourself a very simple question: “Are you better off now, or were you better off four years ago?”

    Four years ago, inflation was at 1.2%, gasoline was at $ 1.87/gallon, interest rate was at 2%, but the Democrats’ irresponsible gluttony moved it to a 40-year high today. Thanks to Biden and the Democrats for gasoline, inflation, the open border, and crime-ridden cities. Ms. Kelly also said that Mr. Biden has an experienced team of cabinet officers and advisors. Who would that be, you may ask? DHS Mr. Mayorkas, AG Mr. Garland, Mr. Pete Butiegeg, foreign policy advisor Mr. Sullivan and finally secretary of state Mr. Blinken. They are a perfect candidates for an impeachment for gross incompetence and dereliction of duties. Those are the “experts” who are running the country today.

    If they had just left things alone, as they were, before they took office, we would be leading better lives today. As far us paying the taxes, Mr Biden famously said in front of a microphone, in a quite voice, “Pay your own share,” yet he and his family doesn’t pay it for illegally obtaining millions from China, Ukraine, Romania, Khazakstan, etc. We have also two tiers of justice in this country, one for the Democrats and the other for the rest of us.

    If you’re still thinking of supporting Mr. Biden for re-election, please think again. The answer is: “God help us and the country if he is re-elected again.”

    John Ihnachak
