Senator Mike Martucci explains why he won’t seek re-election
In Martucci’s statement he also assesses his accomplishments as senator.

GOSHEN, NY — “When the redistricting process began and I declared I was running for re-election, the Senate District I petitioned in was completely different from the one that exists today. Due to the prolonged process that included maps from two sets of Independent Redistricting Commissioners, then Democrats in the Legislature, then outside groups, and finally State courts, we had no true idea what our district would end up looking like or who our opponent would be until this past Saturday morning.
“Anyone that has a family with young children knows that it’s important to have some degree of certainty. Therefore, I am not seeking re-election to the State Senate.
“Stepping away from this race is a very difficult decision for me because it has been the honor of a lifetime to serve communities across four counties, and I believe that my team and I have done tremendous work in just two years in office. We saved union jobs at the Goshen Secure Center, we delivered record school aid, reduced middle class taxes, passed a gas tax holiday, and stood shoulder to shoulder with the men and women of law enforcement on every single vote we took. We helped thousands of constituents and served as a true and honest voice for them in Albany in the face of corruption scandals and during a pandemic when many felt their freedoms were in danger and their government was not listening.
“My Senate team is a family, and it includes some of the most talented people I know. I offer them my thanks and my gratitude. Each one of them has a special place in my heart and my undying loyalty. Even though I am stepping aside, I want to be clear about one important fact — this seat has been in Republican hands for most of the last 50 years and I expect it to remain that way.
“I will continue to work as hard as always, right until the last day of my term, to do everything I can to assist my constituents and further the causes we all care about. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for all your support.”