Chabad plans Sukkot harvest holiday festivities
Goshen. Chabad will celebrate Sukkot, a Jewish fall harvest holiday, with a sukkah hut and other traditions and entertainments on Sunday, Oct 16, 11:45 a.m.- 1:15 p.m.

The Jewish holiday of Sukkot is a fall harvest festival celebrated in huts from which the sky is visible. Celebrants shake special palm branches called the lulov and etrog.
Chabad builds a large sukkah (hut) on their front yard in Goshen and host a family celebration and fall festival. This year, on Sunday, Oct 16, 11:45 a.m.- 1:15 p.m., it will be complete with Jewish tradition and fall activities, including pony rides, face painting, fall themed booths and a kosher buffet lunch of falafel and salads.
“The lulov and etrog symbolize all the types of Jews there are, and on this holiday we join them together to say the blessing symbolizing the unity that Chabad emphasizes all the time,” said Rabbi Meir Borenstein, director of in Goshen. “This is why we always have a mix of people at our events and love, unity and respect between everyone. It’s a recipe for everyone to feel comfortable and why we love the holiday of Sukkot so much.”
All are invited to drop by the Sukkot fall festival.