Campaign launched to raise awareness about underage alcohol sales and consumption
Goshen. A Window Cling Initiative begun by a coalition of law enforcement, prevention and business groups aims to alert the public about the consequences of alcohol consumption.

A Window Cling Initiative to educate about alcohol use and its consequences was begun on Jan. 6 by Orange County District Attorney David Hoovler, the Prevention Alliance of Orange County, Dana Distributors, and Orange County STOP-DWI. The announcement came at a press conference held at the County Government Center in Goshen. Also present at the press conference were representatives from local law enforcement agencies, Orange County Government, and several anti-drug coalitions and agencies that make up the Prevention Alliance of Orange County.
The Prevention Alliance of Orange County is a collaboration of Orange County’s drug-free community coalitions, which partner with different sectors and prevention agencies in several of Orange County’s communities to prevent and reduce youth substance use, including alcohol, marijuana, and prescription drugs. The Alliance has joined forces to address the increased consumption of alcohol during the holiday season and are combining efforts to bring this initiative to Orange County.
The Window Cling Initiative is a county-wide effort designed to raise awareness about alcohol sales and consumption statistics and related consequences, including deaths, that occur during the holiday season. The project represents a partnership between coalitions, retailers, prevention professionals and law enforcement, designed to educate the public. The goal of the initiative is to provide local alcohol retailers with window clings to place in their retail locations, designed to encourage people to drink responsibly and to obey the law.
The Initiative hopes to increase the impact of the window clings through media coverage of the event and through signs that will be displayed by participating retailers. Each coalition will publicly thank and acknowledge the retailers who participate.
“While the holiday season often includes the use of alcohol, it also happens to be a time when a lot of irresponsible drinking and driving occurs,” said Hoovler. Family and social celebrations are welcome, but not when those people also drink to excess and get behind the wheels of cars.”