A different ending - and beginning - for this pet cemetery
Chester. Hunter Endrikat of Boy Scout Troop 477 in Greenwood Lake has earned the rank of Eagle Scout with the restoration of the 'Resting Paws Pet Cemetery.'

On Sept. 9, 2019, Hunter Endrikat of Boy Scout Troop 477 completed his Eagle Scout Project at the “Resting Paws Pet Cemetery” on Restdale Road in Chester.
Scouts from Troop 477 and other volunteers, under the leadership of Hunter, first cleaned the entire cemetery of leaves, branches and storm damage.
They then collected from the Warwick Valley Humane Society more than 100 bronze plaques from damaged pet graves on the site. Many of these markers date back to the 1940’s and were damaged and destroyed more than 20 years ago when removed from the cemetery because of development.
The restored plaques were combined into two large stone and cement memorials on the site and a walkway was added.
The memorials were presented to the Warwick Valley Humane Society on Sept. 9th.
Suzyn Barron of the Humane Society was grateful for the completion of the project and visibly moved by the new memorials. The Warwick Valley Humane Society owns the cemetery and they have been looking to restore and improve this site for more than 20 years.
“It is rewarding to me to seethe project finished and the grave markers restored and put back to a place of honor," Hunter said. "I truly understand the impact a Scout can make on a community and this is what Boy Scouts is all about.”
The Endrikat family would especially like to thank Rustic Contracting and Project Supply for their generous support of this project.
Hunter is the son of Lisa and Brian Endrikat of the Village of Florida. Hunter's older brother Justin is also an Eagle Scout.
Hunter will be presented his Eagle Scout Rank in a ceremony on Feb. 29 at Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church in Greenwood Lake.
Boy Scout Troop 477 is chartered by Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church in Greenwood Lake and the Troop wishes to thank the church for its continued support.