Pie baking and art making among Warwick Applefest events
Warwick. Applefest, on Oct. 2, and at the three-day Applefest Carnival will include art and pie making, music and assorted festivities.

Warwick Applefest, on Oct. 2 in the Village of Warwick, will offer a wide variety of craft and food vendors plus several special events:
¤ Apple Pie Baking Contest
All ages are welcome to participate in this event. Entry is free and no pre-registration is required. The contest has two age levels:
Junior (Age 7-16) and Adult (Age 17 & older)- After judging is completed, pies will be sold by the slice. Proceeds from the sale of apple pie slices will benefit the Warwick Ecumenical Food Pantry.* For a flyer with pie baking contest rules and the contest official entry form, go to www.warwickapplefest.com/apple-pie-baking-contest
¤ Apple Pie Eating Contest
All ages are welcome to take part, with separate contests for adults and kids. Register at the Apple Pie Booth #84 on Bank St. before the 3 p.m. event. Donations to participate are required: Kids level (age 12 & under) - $1 and Adult Level (age 13 & older) - $5 (Proceeds will be donated to the Warwick Ecumenical Food Pantry)For contest rules & official entry form, go to: www.warwickapplefest.com/apple-pie-eating-contest/
¤ Applefest Carnival, music and activities at Stanley-Deming Park in the Festival area!
¤ Applefest Carnival in Stanley-Deming Park The carnival will be held before the festival, on Friday and Saturday and during the festival on Sunday: - Friday 4-9 p.m. - Saturday (“Applefest Eve”) 12 noon-10 p.m. - Sunday (during Applefest) from 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
¤ Sat., Oct. 1 - “Applefest Eve” activities in Stanley-Deming Park - Carnival on Saturday from 12 noon-10 p.m. - Free lessons - How to “throw” pottery bowls and pot-making on a potter’s wheel - Music and pottery by Marilyn Dale - Makers Session - “Apple Jam” from 2-10 p.m. - Performances by Acting Out Playhouse, art-making sessions, and music
¤ Sunday, Oct. 2 - Activities in Stanley-Deming Park during Applefest - Applefest Carnival from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. - Music all day in Stanley-Deming Park
¤ Warwick Applefest 2022 t-shirt design This year’s winning Warwick Applefest 2022 t-shirt design was created by Connor DeHaan. A professional illustrator and designer, Connor is a 2012 graduate of Warwick Valley High School. During the festival, Applefest t-shirts will be sold at the Warwick Valley Chamber of Commerce office at the Caboose on South St.
¤ For more Applefest information: For information about Applefest festival events and activities, go to: www.warwickapplefest.com * For frequently asked Applefest visitor questions & answers, go to: www.warwickapplefest.com/visitor-faqs/