Members of Chester Elementary School K-Kids, Owen Peterman and Olivia Lynch, along with the Kiwanis advisor Georgina Robillard, presented a check in the amount of $281.45 to the Warwick Animal Shelter on the last day of June.
These funds were raised by the K-Kids during their school year from the collection of bottles and cans for the $.05 return.
The students worked to collect the cans and bottles and cleaned and returned them as well.
Suzyn Barron, director of the Warwick Animal Shelter was very pleased with this donation.
The two members presenting the money also enjoyed a visit with many of the cats at the shelter.
During this mission, the K-Kids learned the importance of recycling and the importance of paying it forward.
The K-Kids group is an elementary school organization of Kiwanis International and supported by the Kiwanis Club of Chester.