Voters approve Chester school budget, Maple Ave transfer

Chester. Voters also approved the safety capital project.

| 22 May 2024 | 12:42

Voters in the Chester Union Free School District approved the $36,503,854 budget for the district’s 2024-25 school year by an unofficial count of 334 votes in favor and 108 votes against.

Voters also approved a districtwide safety improvement capital project proposition by a vote of 329-111. The capital project will implement a school district safety improvement program consisting of door and transactional area construction at Chester Elementary School, construction of transactional area at Chester Academy and districtwide security upgrades, other improvements and related expenses at a total cost of $1,867,000.

In addition, voters approved a Maple Avenue Building proposition by an unofficial vote of 402-44. This approval gives the district the authority to transfer ownership and operation of the Maple Avenue building property to Orange County. The district will maintain ownership and use of the 1965 gym and athletic fields.

Lastly, the two candidates who ran unopposed to fill two Board of Education seats were elected: Lisa Hines-Johnson and Rosalie Pena.

“Thank you to the Chester community for your support of our 2024-2025 school budget and propositions,” said Superintendent Catherine O’Hara. “We sincerely appreciate the opportunity to support our students and the vision for the district’s future.”

Results will be certified later in the week.