Chabad of Orange County in Goshen recently hosted a workshop for children and parents, led by Shannon Auerbach with Rivkie Borenstein as her side kick, in preparation for Chanukah. Photos provided by Chabad of Orange County in Goshen.

More than 50 children, together with their parents, enjoyed different techniques to decorate dreidel cookies, Chanukah stencils, cupcakes, push pops and more.
In preparation for Chanukah, Chabad of Orange County in Goshen recently hosted a workshop for children and parents, led by Shannon Auerbach with Rivkie Borenstein as her side kick.
More than 50 children enjoyed different techniques to decorate dreidel cookies, Chanukah stencils, cupcakes, push pops and more.
“The joy of Chanukah is in the air,” said Rabbi Meir Borenstein. “I feel it and see it on all these happy faces.”
For more information on programs run for Chabad of Orange County in Goshen or to be notified of future events, email CHABADOC@gmail.com or visit Chabadoc.com.