Whispering Hills rate hikes prompt shouts about injustice

| 14 Mar 2022 | 11:05

    Dear editor,

    This letter is about the rate hikes at Whispering Hills and was written by John Jung – former Condo 1 board member. Mr. Jung has given me permission to send this letter to the paper.

    The Condominium 1 rates will increase $100 monthly for 4-5 years according to the email and written correspondence from the Condominium 1 Board of Managers sent to homeowners. This project would cost Condominium 1 $2.1 million. Realistically, it could actually take 6 – 12 years to pay back. Even though grocery prices are rising and gas prices being out of control, the board pushed this fee anyway.

    The Condo 1 board has a lot of explaining to do to the people of this community, and I hope everyone besides myself and many others in Condo 1 demand an open meeting so the board can enlighten us on their demands.

    An open meeting and vote of 80% of the homeowners in Condo 1 to approve any monies over $10,000 must happen in accordance with our Bylaws (Article III Section 5(a) 1.) and NYS Real Property Law (Article 9-B 339jj (1b)).

    As I have mentioned on many occasions, most homeowners’ condominium insurance policies cover homeowners for a one-time special assessment fee and they can contact their insurance carriers and ask for it at a low cost if they don’t already have it.

    I am saddened by the lack of transparency on which these board members promised while campaigning and again when they were voted in. I am angered that we are being lied to and the laws are being broken so this board can push their own agenda. I was ostracized for being “self-serving” when I asked that the reconstructed building’s multiple structural defects that have greatly reduced our standard of living and ability to sell, be corrected. Now they impose this unjust fee increase to fix their own roofs. A clear double standard and blatant disregard to the homeowners who still can’t move past the March 22, 2019 fire that continues to impact our lives.

    I think it’s time we all demand an open meeting to calmly and rationally discuss this excessive monetary increase and be given the right information by the board as to what monetary options exist to complete this necessary project, discuss options, and hold a vote of all the homeowners of Condo 1 to approve this as required by law. It should also be discussed if other monies the community could be responsible for in the near future could raise their assessment fees much higher.

    Talk to your friends and neighbors and demand your condo 1 officials to act within the law and their fiduciary duty, give the community the required open forum, and vote. Again, 80% of the homeowners must approve this for this assessment and project to move forward.

    I will not rest until this board begins to adhere to all the laws to which they are bound as duly elected representatives of all the homeowners in the Condo 1 community to protect their homes and quality of life. There is a binding contractual agreement between the homeowners and the board of managers. The homeowners are obligated to pay commons charges, and in turn the board is equally obligated to protect all the homeowners’ homes, investments, and quality of life in accordance with law.

    My only interest was to serve this community to improve the quality of living for everyone. It is unfortunate that this board clearly does not feel the same for all.

    Thank you,

    Edward Faust – Condo 1 resident