More truth and civility, less divisiveness

| 03 Nov 2023 | 04:43

    Warwick, like many other small towns, offers us much to appreciate. We are fortunate to belong to a strong community that is supported by our schools, our agricultural roots, community organizations, family, neighbors and friends.

    As you may have noticed, this sense of connection and safety is becoming ever more frayed by the deceit and divisiveness in our national politics. Sadly, this sorry state of affairs has arrived in Warwick. We see truth and civility abandoned by those who want to win at any cost.

    Therefore, we ask of you...please be on your guard against any articles, letters to the editor and videos/websites which are anonymous or whose origin is untraceable. Do they contain unsubstantiated accusations and personal attacks? Ask yourself, why is someone doing this? Who benefits?

    Name-calling, personal attacks, distorted information, rumors, and lies discourage qualified candidates who don’t want to be targeted. These actions can also damage careers and undermine voter participation. Ultimately, lies and misinformation divide and weaken our community.

    We urge citizens, our elected officials, our political parties, and the media to be vigilant and call out such practices, which are threats to our Warwick community, and to our democracy.

    Mary Makofske, Warwick

    Roz Gitt, Warwick

    Vera Miller, Greenwood Lake

    Paula Spector, Chester (Warwick School District)