Letter to the editor. Running for re-election

| 22 Mar 2023 | 03:49

    To the editor:

    As a council member, I have always addressed issues openly and fairly. Any time a resident comes to me with a problem, I tell them come to a board meeting and together we will address their problem.

    Over the years, I’ve worked on the revitalization plan along with the Sugar Loaf Beautification Committee. We have a plan ready to go. This includes sidewalks, planting, and signage and much more. As deputy supervisor, I am always on call and available.

    Over the years I’ve been the leader in absolving the park and recreation commission to make it two separate departments. Going forward Chester has a much stronger recreation department that I am liaison to and a parks department that is second to none. Over time I’ve improved the animal control department by laying out the plan from one day-time dog warden to 24 hr. service in conjunction with the Chester Police Department and Warwick Animal Shelter. And now spear heading the dog park.

    Chester and the Hamlet of Sugar Loaf are moving forward, but I still have ideas for improvements. To do that, I want to be re-elected to the town to continue to serve to community of Chester.

    Cindy Smith
