Concern about Covid legislation

| 08 Jan 2022 | 05:47

    The Legislative Session in Albany begins on January 5th in the NYS Assembly. Medical Tyranny will literally be on the Agenda from Day 1. The following list of proposed laws shows that it is Open Season on our children, an all-out attack on our Parental Rights and is clearly Unconstitutional. Hang on to your hats, folks : Hang on to your hats, folks :

    *Assembly Bill A8378 : Mandates Covid Shots to attend school (or withhold State Aid )

    *Bill A7829/S6495 : Mandates Covid Shots to attend colleges

    *Bill A279a/S75a : Mandates all Adult Vaccine Records be put into a State Database

    *Bill A2240/ S45 : Mandates Flu Shots to attend school, preschool and daycare

    *Bill A309/S3041 : Eliminates Parental Right to Consent for all shots when child is 14 years of age

    *Bill A8398 : Eliminates Religious Exemptions for work and college

    *Bill A822/S931 : Eliminates Parental Right to Consent to STD Shots for children OF ANY AGE.

    Good grief, who ARE these people ? And as if that weren’t enough Fascism, the Assembly Bill A416 would have allowed our Un-elected Governor Hochul to imprison anyone she considered a threat to Public Health WITHOUT TRIAL, luckily that bill was withdrawn for now. But it gets worse. Another bill being considered would empower the government to FORCE residents “to comply with these mandates by using physical or mental duress as they see fit,” i.e. TORTURE. And not to be left out, Assemblyman Patrick Burke (D-Buffalo) is proposing legislation that would allow Insurance Companies to deny Covid Coverage to the UN-VACCINATED, because, as Burke so pompously puts it, “Freedom isn’t Free”...

    Wrong, Mr Burke. This is America and we are born Free and our Rights come from God. Burke and his like-minded colleagues should read the Bill of Rights and the US Constitution to which they all swear an Oath. (Unless they are too busy entertaining Insurance Lobbyists or Big Pharma ) Does anyone in the Assembly see the words Force or Mandate in the Bill of Rights? No. Has New York State seceded from the Union when we weren’t looking? No. We are American Citizens and not chattel to be abused or forced to submit to tyranny. Our elected officials serve US . We do not serve them, or Joe Biden or any Un-elected bureaucrat like Tony Fauci or the FDA, or the CDC.

    Our Constitution protects us from Big Government by limiting its power among the three Branches, Legislative, Judicial and Executive, because the Founders knew without a doubt, that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. We see it everywhere we look these days and our Constitution is all that stands between us and Totalitarianism. Like “The Great Reset”,* for example ? “We’ll own nothing and we’ll be happy.” says Klaus Schwab at the World Economic Forum or Davos for short, where the Elites fly in to show off their private jets and chat about carbon emissions. * Sorry, but the only Great Reset we need is America First.

    These Assembly Bills are a disgrace to New York and they shame our Republic ! Independents, Republicans, Conservatives and as many Democrats as possible would be well-advised in this Election Year to stand up and shoot down these Draconian Bills as quickly as they come up for a vote. We will be counting heads and taking names and will remember on Nov 3rd.

    Please call your local Representatives at the NYS Assembly Switchboard at 518-433-3260 ASAP. We are losing our Country !

    “The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it’s an instrument for the people to restrain the Government.”--[attributed to] Patrick Henry

    Deborah C Diltz

    Chester, NY