An endorsement of Supervisor Valentine

| 30 Oct 2023 | 03:57

    Chester voters would be hard pressed to find a more competent and experienced town supervisor than our current one, Robert Valentine. He has given his all, and then some, when he often shows up with his own labor and excavating equipment to volunteer on another town project.

    Bob has many impressive achievements, starting with the town purchasing the former Lycian Theater and starting the Sugar Loaf Performing Arts Center (SLPAC). He had a vision then and was indispensable in making it happen. Now, a popular and very successful entertainment venue drawing patrons from many NE states, SLPAC is a huge boost to local businesses. To date, SLPAC has returned several hundred thousand $$ to Chester! Bob has kept the town portion of our property taxes stable during his five-year run. He deserves to be re-elected.

    In my decades-long view of our town finances, including my own term as town supervisor, I cannot remember our accounts being more sound and our debt this low. We must credit Supervisor Valentine with outstanding fiscal management. No doubt his expertise has derived from his 30+ years as a very successful excavator and local homebuilder. We cannot afford to lose his experience!

    Tim Diltz

    Chairman, Chester Ethics Board
