A once proud nation

| 10 May 2021 | 03:31

    Much to my consternation it has become perfectly clear that the United States of America has become a country of whining, sniping, divisive, anti-cooperative self-centered know it all’s!

    The future is dim and the present is an unmanageable misinformation highway.

    Has it always been this way? I don’t recall it to be.

    I remember and pine for the good old American spirit to get things done for the greater good.

    Nowadays with a push of a button and a click on a T.V. remote we can go to any number of what are partisan news programs featuring personalities that force their beliefs and suspicions into our heads every day of the week. Only to make money for themselves and the network they represent.

    They are only entertainers performing for their fans. It’s not news based on fact. Too many of us have accepted their opinions as fact when all it really is, is an ACT.

    Too many hang on their opinions to feed our skepticism based on the doubt and lies that they perpetuate in order to continue their act and to boost their egos and paychecks.

    The shallowness of these personalities is a microcosm of what we are: easily manipulated and all too willing to accept whatever they say as truth.

    After the last four years of constant disinformation and propaganda too many people have succumbed to the lies.

    “Big Brother is watching and trying to control every aspect of our lives,” they tell us.

    It’s not being done by the government. It has been done by the media. The Sean Hannitys and Tucker Carlsons of the world have spawned a number of right wing misinformation programs and personalities that have nothing more in mind than to get rich off of the pushing of fear and anti-government propaganda. So much so that otherwise clear thinking people with common sense and decency have fallen into a world of hatred and resentment. Unwilling to change the channel for another point of view.

    I’m afraid that the election of and the four years of Donald Trump as president has unleashed the latent discord amongst the people of this country. The use of fear and anti-this and anti-that has become a way of life now. There is now clearly two different Americas.

    While building the wall on the Mexico boarder nobody noticed that there was an invisible wall being built across America.

    Either you’re with us or you’re not is the war cry being pushed by those loyal to Trump .

    At this point it may not be a bad idea to just draw a line at the northern border right through the middle of North Dakota and right on down through the heart of Texas into the Gulf of Mexico and change the name of the United States of America to West America and East America. Dems on one side, GOP on the other.

    The country called the UNITED STATES is no longer applicable. We are not united. “A Republic, if you can keep it,” is just faded ink on on a piece of paper now. Have we failed to keep it?

    One thing is for sure: This county is on life support as a Democracy.

    Charlie Rudy

    West Milford