A life-saving hashtag: #PledgeToStayHome

| 04 Apr 2020 | 12:40

    The coronavirus outbreak: A pressing issue that has taken every single news outlet around the globe by storm. Every person continuously scans newspapers and channels looking for answers to stopping the virus.

    Well, I'm prepared to share with you the first step to the cure, and that is pledging to stay home.

    Currently, there have been orders to stay in one’s home under all circumstances unless travel is absolutely essential.

    The problem is, many are still meeting with others, traveling out and thereby spreading infection whether the person is aware or not. Statistically speaking, up to 25 percent of people have COVID-19 and have no idea, which means they are fully capable of spreading it to others.

    It is time that people, young and old, understand the impact they have on the world around them. Every time you may leave your house and come into contact with someone, you might be giving them between a 1 and 20 percent chance of death depending on their level of health complications and age.

    Would you want to roll the dice on those chances if it were your life?

    I urge each and every one of you to join me, and take the #PledgeToStayHome to potentially save the life of someone you love. If not for someone you love, then for people like me who have parents on the front lines of work, that are exposed to the coronavirus each and every day.

    The more people that publicize the importance of staying home through using #PledgeToStayHome on their social media, the faster we can emerge from this pandemic as a whole.

    Jacqueline Grundfast, Warwick

    Sophomore intern with MASSPIRG Students