Women past and present to be spotlighted at Washington’s Headquarters program

Local women with impacts on history and preservation in “General’s Lady” program

| 13 Mar 2022 | 08:59

    (Newburgh, NY ... March 9, 2022) In honor of Women’s History Month, Washington’s Headquarters State Historic Site will hold its annual program, The General’s Lady, Sunday, March 20th at 2:00 PM. To keep “Covid Safe,” it will again be VIRTUAL, like last year, as a free online event, accessible on YouTube by searching for Palisades Interstate Park Commission Television.

    Inspired by Martha Washington, this event pays tribute to both the impact of noteworthy historical women and to contemporary women making a difference in the field of history and preservation in the Hudson Valley. As mentioned, March is Women’s History Month, making it a very appropriate time for this presentation.

    Jessie Serfilippi, from Schuyler Mansion State Historic Site, is the featured speaker, presenting “Who Tells Your Story: Elizabeth Schuyler Hamilton and the Hamilton Legacy.” Elizabeth Schuyler Hamilton, was the wife of Alexander Hamilton for fifty years, and the keeper of her late husband’s legacy. What she did and did not preserve has shaped the public’s view of Hamilton, even in the present-day.

    The celebration also includes the presentation of the 2022 Martha Washington Woman of History Award, which recognizes a woman’s outstanding contribution to Hudson Valley history. This year’s recipient is an educator and historian, Ulster County Clerk Nina Postupack.

    For more information, call 845-562-1195.