Goshen. Orange County Genealogical Society to host program Aug. 5

| 21 Jul 2023 | 02:55

The Orange County Genealogical Society will host a program on “Understanding Your Ancestor’s World” on Saturday, Aug. 5, at 10:30 a.m.

This program will be presented by Joseph Lieby, Ed.D. The program will be held at the Goshen United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall, 115 Main St., Goshen (next door to the 1841 Historic Courthouse).

There is more to our ancestors’ lives than dates of birth, marriage and death. What events made life more difficult (or easier)? What did they read in newspapers or talk about with friends and neighbors? Using timelines can help fill in the details of the lives they led, and know how they lived.

Lieby was born in Brooklyn. He received a Master’s degree in psychology from Fordham University, and a Doctorate in education from Teacher’s College, Columbia University. He is a retired school administrator and professional genealogist who has edited genealogical newsletters. He has been engaged in genealogical research in the New York and New Jersey area since 1990. He has served as president of national organizations and he is also trustee of the Orange County N.Y. Genealogical Society.

The program is free and open to the public. Information: visit site www.ocgsny.org or contact Anna Calli at acalli1065@aol.com or annamariecalli@gmail.com.