It’s a Second Day of Rosh HaShana celebration without walls.
Usher in the new year – 5784 – and spend a Sunday outdoors at the Lakeside Pavilion in Warwick’s newest park, Mountain Lake Park.
Join the Temple Beth Shalom Reform Jewish community along with others from around the region for an innovative, fun, family-friendly and welcoming Rosh HaShana second day program.
Here’s what you’ll find: a shortened and informal service rich with traditional and modern melodies, the blowing of the shofar, a community picnic, games, crafts, a coloring corner for kids, and Tashlich – the thought-provoking yet joyful practice of casting bits of bread onto moving waters as we contemplate our deeds of the past year.
For those who have yet to find a comfortable space in which to learn and practice Reform Judaism, this will be an ideal opportunity to spend time with family and reconnect to Jewish prayer and community.
Temple Beth Shalom, a small but strong synagogue in Florida, N.Y., welcomes Interfaith, bi-racial, non-heteronormative families to its community.
The beautiful Lakeside Pavilion on the grounds of the former Kutz Camp offers an easy-going open space for this new year’s celebration. In case of rain, the event will move indoors on the park property, where we will still have an expansive view of nature.
Join together, in song and spirit, prayer and pride for this event on the second day of Rosh HaShana 5784, Sunday, Sept. 17, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Mountain Lake Park, 46 Bowen Road, Warwick.
This event is presented with a generous grant from the Jewish Federation of Greater Orange County.
For more information: call or email Temple Beth Shalom. 845-651-7812 / tbs-ny@optimum.net or visit www.tbsny.org.