Walking tours granted approval
Goshen. Trustees also voted to fund a counseling program for Village Hall workers, and horse racing signage on the village green.

During the July 22 Goshen Village Board of Trustees meeting, the board approved the operators of Goshenghosttours.com to conduct walking tours in village parks for a fee of $50 to the Joint Recreation Committee. The main stipulation was that no walking tours occur after dark. The tours will run Thursday through Sunday from July through October.
The board also approved an updated employee handbook and an auction of surplus items.
Mayor Molly O’Donnell recused herself from a vote to allocate $3,764 for the funding of a National EAP program for Village Hall workers. She said she had a relative involved in the EAP program. The mayor explained that the program provides counseling for on-the-job challenges.
Finally, the village board approved the use of the village green for signage promoting a horse race on September 1.