Village police remind residents that school is now in session
Goshen. Take extra caution, as kids will be walking to and from school.

The Village of Goshen Police Department issued a reminder to motorists that school opened Wednesday, September 4, and to be aware of children walking to and from school.
School speed zones are in effect from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m., daily. Patrols will be monitoring these zones and have zero tolerance for violators, according to Police Chief Ryan Rich’s announcement.
Motorists must obey the directions of school crossing guards and patrols will be monitoring these areas for compliance. School crossings are at the intersection of Scotchtown Ave. and McNally St., from 8 a.m. to 8:45 a.m. and 3 p.m. to 3:45 p.m., and at the intersection of North Church St. and Lincoln Ave., from 2:20 p.m. to 3 p.m., daily.
The Village of Goshen Police Department joins the American Automobile Association in promoting the national “School’s Open – Drive Carefully” safety campaign. AAA provides awareness posters to be displayed on roadways around schools.
“We hope everyone stays safe has a great school year!” said Chief Rich.