New oak wilt locations found

Oak wilt, a deadly fungal disease of oak trees, was discovered in two new locations in the Town of Glenville, Schenectady County
Staff from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation conducting aerial surveys found one infection site. The other was reported by a homeowner.
The state will be establishing a protective zone encompassing the two Glenville locations. Removal of oak wood or firewood of any species from the protective zone will be prohibited.
Since no effective chemical treatment for oak wilt currently exists, the state will use other treatment methods at each location, depending on site characteristics. These can include:
Removing and destroying infected trees
Cutting down a buffer of adjacent trees
Digging trenches to prevent spread from one oak to another through roots
How to protect oak treesPrune oaks between October and February, not during the growing season, when insects are active. Oak wilt can be spread by beetles attracted to freshly cut or injured trees.
Follow the rules of the protective zone.
Learn to identify oak wilt's symptoms: discoloration around the entire leaf edge (see photo); sudden loss of a substantial portion of leaves during the summer
Use local firewood. Firewood can transport oak wilt and other deadly pests and diseases to new areas.
Contact DEC's Forest Health toll-free information line at 1-866-640-0652 with questions, or email photos of tree symptoms to Also visit DEC's oak wilt webpage.