Major hotel-restaurant project returns seeking approval
Goshen. The applicants’ hopes for four-story hotels on the lot were shot down.

Representatives for Goshen Hospitality, LLC, which owns 63.3 acres on Cheechunk and 6 ½ Station Roads that is proposed to be the home of three hotels and two restaurants, went to April 18’s Goshen Planning Board meeting hoping to be approved for three four-story hotel buildings.
They argued that four-story hotels would actually have smaller footprints than three-story hotels, 16.6 acres vs. 17.8 acres, and so preserve open space. In the end, all but one of the planning board members voted to limit the buildings to three stories. “It’s more aesthetically pleasing for three stories,” board member Diana Lupinksi said.
Company representatives said they were happy to have direction on the matter and would proceed with the project at three stories. Goshen Hospitality, LLC has been on the board’s agenda frequently in recent months and the board has stated at past meetings they are coming close to final approval.
Another lodging project was first on the agenda at the April 18 meeting. Golden Stay Inn, an 8.6-acre site along Route 17M, has begun the process of water testing protocols for the project. The board approved the water-monitoring plan of Golden Stay Inn and they will appear again before the board at one of the upcoming meetings.
Healey Ford on 17M is seeking to expand its footprint by 3,638 square feet. The planning board voted to assume lead agency on the matter and Healey Ford will reappear before the board on May 2 for a public hearing, before they appear before the zoning board on May 7.