Inaugural Sugar Loaf 5k set for Oct. 5
Sugar Loaf. Those interested in participating can sign up now.

Sugar Loaf will host its inaugural 5k event on Saturday, October 5 at 9 a.m. Both runners and walkers are welcome.
The course is USATF-certified and starts at the Seligman Farm, winds through the historic hamlet, passes under the shadow of Sugar Loaf Mountain, and finishes at the Sugar Loaf Performing Arts Center.
As a bonus, the race ends just as the Sugar Loaf Film Festival begins at the Sugar Loaf Performing Arts Center; participants will have the opportunity to stay around to catch the films or visit the local shops for a full day of family fun.
The registration fee is $32.80. The event is hosted by the Sugar Loaf Community Foundation and the race directors are Jackie Perez, Christine Koenig and Elizabeth Barrett-Zahn. Information can be found at and (Sugar Loaf).