DA, Prevention Alliance of Orange County and Orange County STOP-DWI announce ‘Project Sticker Shock’
Goshen. Campaign to raise awareness about alcohol sales and consumption, and about consequences of alcohol use.

Orange County District Attorney David M. Hoovler, along with the Prevention Alliance of Orange County and Orange County STOP-DWI, announced on Friday, Nov. 20, the kick-off of “Project Sticker Shock.”
The Prevention Alliance of Orange County is a collaboration of Orange County’s drug-free community coalitions, which partner with different sectors and prevention agencies in several of Orange County’s communities to prevent and reduce youth substance use, including alcohol, marijuana, and prescription drugs.
The Alliance has joined forces to address the increased consumption of alcohol during the holiday season and are combining efforts to bring “Project Sticker Shock” to Orange County.
The coalition
“Project Sticker Shock” is a county-wide effort designed to raise awareness about the statistics regarding alcohol sales and consumption, and about related consequences, including deaths, that occur during the holiday season. The project represents a partnership between coalitions, retailers, prevention professionals and law enforcement, designed to educate the public.
The goal is to provide local alcohol retailers with free stickers to place on alcohol packaging and bags, stickers that are designed to encourage people to drink responsibly and to obey the law.
The project hopes to increase the impact of the stickers through media coverage and through signs that will be displayed by participating retailers.
Getting the word out
“The holiday season should be a joyous time for all of us,” Hoovler said, “but, unfortunately, it also happens to be a time when a lot of irresponsible drinking and driving occurs. People celebrate with family and friends. Some people also drink to excess and get behind the wheels of cars. Hopefully, we can get the word out to enough people, so that we can keep our children and our roadways as safe as possible this year.”
‘Have a Plan’
“This Thanksgiving holiday, millions will hit the roads, eager to spend time with family and friends,” said Lauren Savino from Orange County STOP-DWI. “It’s one of the busiest travel times of the year, and unfortunately the presence of more people on the roadways means the potential for more vehicle crashes. In a combined effort to stop impaired driving, prevent injuries and save lives, law enforcement officers across New York State will take to the roads, too. You can help to make a difference by Having a Sober Plan! Download our mobile app – ‘Have a Plan’ – at www.stopdwi.org/mobileapp, and you will always be able to find a safe ride home. Impaired driving is completely preventable. All it takes is a little planning.”
‘A great opportunity for families to start conversations’
“Thanksgiving eve is traditionally a night of celebratory drinking across the nation as families and friends begin to gather together for the holiday,” said Megan Robbins of Operation PJ Pride, on behalf of the Alliance. “Those gatherings are especially prevalent among college students returning home for the first time. Even as social distancing is encouraged due to COVID-19, we recognize that people will gather and celebrate this Thanksgiving.
“The Sticker Shock initiative was developed to create awareness about increased alcohol sales, consumption and the consequences of not drinking responsibly, Robbins added. “It offers a great opportunity for families to start conversations and promote positive behavior. Thanksgiving is a time for family, and we want to ensure that all families stay safe.”
For additional information, or if you are a retailer interested in participating in the project, contact Megan Robbins of Operation PJ Pride at (845) 856-6344 ext. 1832 or by email to megan.robbins@cccsos.org; or Darlene De Jesus-Rosenwasser at the Orange County District Attorney’s Office at (845) 615-3663 or by email to ddejesus@orangecountygov.com.