A new shop that's 'candy for your soul'

| 23 Feb 2017 | 02:40

By Vicki Botta
— Melissa Paone Somma made her first visit to Sugar Loaf when she was only 15, and thrilled to the hamlet's bubbling creativity. She knew right away that she wanted to live there, among the artisans, with a shop of her own someday.
She got her wish. Somma, the new president of the Sugar Loaf Chamber of Commerce, opened the LightClub Curiosity Shoppe in Sugar Loaf a year ago with her husband, Catello Somma, who an avid photographer. They both grew up in Middletown and both studied the martial arts. When they first met he joked that they were a “light” club instead of a “fight club,” a phrase that made its way into the name of their business. The “Curiosity Shoppe” part was added because the shop is filled with interesting items begging for close examination.
Melissa and Catello were inspired by a shop in Ireland, where they went for their honeymoon. They returned to the States with a dream and a plan.
“Most people have said how good they felt being there and how much better they felt, having been there," Melissa said.
The couple only opened the shop only on weekends when they lived in Rockland County. They recently moved into their new location at 1379 Kings Highway, where Simpson Originals once was. Charlene Simpson is moving Simpsons Originals into the LightClub Curiosity Shoppe’s former location at 1388 Kings Highway.
“Charlene had been worried that when the building her shop was in was sold, that she would have to find another location but knew her angels would guide her," Melissa said.
Candles cast a spellThe separate rooms in their new location allows for privacy, which allows Melissa to conduct classes and sessions in the healing arts. She is certified as a Reiki instructor, a licensed massage therapist, and a martial arts instructor for 17 years. She created her own soothing products, using essential oils and bath salt blends, to ease soreness. Some have become very popular and are sold now in other parts of the world. Some of her products are made from family recipes.
In addition to her body spray, she makes special jar candles with wooden wicks infused with “spells” for prosperity, relationships, and healing. Each comes with specific instructions on how to make wishes and attain them, through the use the candles. She said she takes care that her products do not compete directly with other Sugar Loaf businesses.
Melissa offers classes in psychic self-defense, guided meditation, divination, readings in runes and tarot. Most of her classes center around wellness. A licensed acupuncturist offers his services on Thursdays.
“People get run down emotionally, mentally and spiritually and can become vulnerable," said Melissa, who is a kind of life coach. "Through energy work, you can defend your wellness, hitting a balance of every area in your life."
She is guided by her students. When she teaches, she gets in tune with them as individuals, which means her classes are always different.“It’s a curiosity shoppe, but also candy for your soul," said Melissa.
Living in the village is making it easier for the shop to stay open during the week, and for longer hours. This Saturday, at 7 p.m., a "New Moon Ritual Circle" is planned. "Alchemy & the Law of Attraction" will be held at 4 p.m. on Saturday, March 11.
For more information visit lighclubshoppe.com.