Goshen. Falconer display at the public library

| 26 Jun 2023 | 01:50

Falconry is a rare sport, highly regulated in the United States. Contrary to popular belief, falconers preserve hawk populations by breeding various species of hawks and releasing them into the wild after they have reached maturity and have an excellent chance of survival.

An exhibit currently on display in the lobby of the Goshen Public Library is on loan from the Cullen family of Goshen. Tom Cullen III became interested in birds when he was only 10 years old. As an adult, he has travelled the world pursuing this interest and has many fascinating stories to tell about his adventures.

He and his wife, Peggy, are both Master Falconers and have had many successes breeding birds that were never bred in captivity here in the United States. They provide educational programs and do an increasing amount of film work for magazines and television.