When eating yogurt, don't waste the whey

| 05 Apr 2019 | 05:28

    Many people pour the liquid that forms on their yogurt down the drain before eating it. But that's wasting a terrific source of protein, calcium, and B vitamins.
    That liquid is called "whey," which is also a byproduct of cheesemaking. To get its nutritional benefits, just stir the whey into your yogurt.
    If you prefer, you can use whey in your cooking. Whey is low in calories, and because it also has a very low lactose content, it may also be consumed by people with lactose intolerance.
    Cooks use whey for any recipe that calls for buttermilk. Here are some ideas for using whey to give your recipes a nutritional boost:
    Use whey instead of water when making breads, biscuits, or pancakes, which gives them the tangy taste of sourdough.
    Add whey to smoothies, soups, sauces, and dips.
    Cook your oatmeal or rice in whey.
    Store feta cheese in whey to keep it fresh.
    Add whey to your mayonnaise recipe.
    Boil noodles in whey.
    Use whey in salad dressings instead of vinegar or lemon.
    Add whey to your mashed potatoes.